Thursday, December 2, 2010

Philippians 4:13

Is there anything sweeter than little children learning God's word?  SO amazing...not to mention cute, but I am a bit partial to these three!

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13
This is our verse this week, but today is really only the 2nd day of learning the verse and motions.  Chris was off Monday due to his back killing him, so we were all lazy and Tues we did nothing but play and draw pretty much all day.  I am So proud of them learning this so quickly!  And what a powerful verse for them to learn.  We sing it in the tune of a song, because song tunes are cool, easier to memorize....and I make up songs daily about random things so why not a Bible verse too....and while we're at it let's just add hand motions too!    haha :)

I am sure we will have more cute vid's to come!  Will try to get at least one a week.

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