Friday, September 17, 2010


That's Spinning
I am LOVEing this class.  The first day was rough, not gonna lie.  I sat for many of the "jumps" and didn't go all out on the sprints.  My legs were just not having it.  Not to mention I was watching the clock and couldn't wait till it was over.  And I didn't have padded shorts.  ouch!  But yesterday, I gave myself a challenge to not stop, and to do every jump and go all out on my sprints.  And I accomplished my goal!!!!  And I had padded shorts. lol. And glad I did, b/c my booty was still hurting a little from Tues.  But,  on my way home I thought to myself, "wow, that was so much fun.  I'm ready to do it again!"  Seriously!  I absolutely love a good challenge, and this is apparently just what my body is needing.  I would recommend Spinning to anyone.

Some phone pics of Gabriel vacuuming
He seriously, really likes to

Asher in the "big" chair.  Apparently he thought he was going to lead the pre-marital counseling we were getting ready for that night
He really likes this chair in one of our offices at church.  he he

I am super excited about this weekend.  I am leaving today to go to a Woman Conference!  And I am totally pumped about it.  Me and 3 other staff wives are taking a road trip to Little Rock to New Life Church.  Pricsilla Shirer is the speaker.  I have never heard her, but was told great things about her.  Can't wait!  We leave today at 3pm and will get back tomorrow (Sat) evening around 8pm or so. 
Then on Sunday we are finishing up our Confidence series!  Gonna be a great weekend!


  1. girl you be my accountablity partner on running. how often are you doing spinning? i'm trying to run at least 4 times a week. a week and a half into it i'm doing ok so far!

    wouldn't you know i've been trying to lose the rest of my baby weight for MONTHS. kev goes to the dr yesterday and lost 7 pounds without trying. lol. boys!

  2. it's just two days a week...tues/thurs, then I will be swimming on Fri, and maybe Wed.

    And yeah, chris just has to think about working out and he loses 10lbs. makes me sick.
